Olen eksynyt ebayhin, hurmaantunut halvoista hinnoista ja koittanut rajoittaa "tilaa" napin käyttöä. Oon nyt viimeisen vajaan kolmen vuoden yrittäjänä olon aikana oppinut sen, että se raha millä sie syöt ja pidät katon pääsi päällä, tulee tasantarkkaan asiakkailta jotka siun luona käy ostamassa palveluitasi tai tuotteitasi. Nettishoppailu on semmoinen, jota mie en enää oikein semmosenaan sulata. Perustelen nettiostokset itselleni sillä, että tilaan vain asioita, joita ei ole mahdollista Rovaniemeltä ostaa.
Aina kannattaa tukea paikallista yrittäjää, ostaa läheltä ja mielellään myös kotimaista. Joskus sattuvat vain löytymään ne kolme vuotta haaveissa olleet polvimittaiset tennarit näköpiiriin netin kautta. Ja Rovaniemen kaupat kierrelleenä, voin sanoa, että ilman ebayta, en olisi niitä koskaan saanut hankittuakaan.
Viime vuonna ostin mekon paikallisesta vaateliikkeestä. Tiesin jo kauppoja tehdessäni, että maksan ekstraa siitä, että joku auttaa minua löytämään mekon oikeankokoisena, saan sovittaa sitä paikan päällä ja joku toinen, työkseen vaatteita myyvä ihminen, saa tuottonsa koltusta. Ja kuten olikin, hintaeroa netin tuotteisiin löytyi muutama kymppi. Maksoin kuitenkin mielelläni sen pari kymppiä voittoa yrittäjälle, joka jaksaa pyörittää liikettä vuodesta toiseen ja palvella asiakkaitaan siitä huolimatta, että melkein kaikki markkinat ovat siirtymässä nettikauppoihin.
Monet pienet erikoisliikkeet ovat kuolleet ja kuopattu Rovaniemeltä asiakaskunnan puutteen vuoksi. Enkä yhtään ihmettele tilannetta siinä vaiheessa, kun elanto pitää oikeasti repiä selkänahasta. Itelläkin hyvä ettei tekisi mieli niiata asiakkaalle kiitokseksi, että mie saan ens viikolla käytyä ruokakaupassa, kiitos paljon tästä. Samaan aikaan perus työpaikat kuihtuvat kasaan, rahaa on vähemmän ja ihmiset myös säästävät joko jättämällä tavaroita ja palveluita kuluttamatta tai vertailemalla hintoja löytävät sen halvimman vaihtoehdon joka ei ole paikallinen. Onko ihme, että taloustilanne kuihtuu?
Syy, miksi blogi on muuttunut lähinnä "tätä siistiä ostin" -blogista "tällaisia asioita tein ja tällaisia asioita kuvasin" -blogiksi johtuu siitä, että kaikkeen ei ole varaa. Omat ajatusmallit kuluttamisesta ovat muuttuneet shoppailusta kestävämmiksi hankinnoiksi, etsinnäksi siitä kestävästä tuotteesta joka kannattaa ostaa nopean kulutustuotteen sijaan. Punnitsen todella pitkään nykyään ennen jonkun vaatteen ostamista, että tuleeko se päätymään useammin kaappiin kuin päälle ja ostan tuotteen vasta siinä vaiheessa, kun vastaus on jälkimmäinen. Kuulin fiksun lauseen siitä, että ihmiset pitävät nykyään kirpputoreja ns. synninpäästöinä omille shoppailuilleen. Laitetaan kiertoon se hädässä ostettu vaate josta pitää päästä eroon, kun kaapit alkavat pursuta. Ehkä miekin menen mielummin käymään keikoilla ja reissussa, kun täytän vaatekaappeja hetken mielihyvällä.
Hirvee hippiavautuminen, mutta tähän on tultu. Mie haluan elämyksiä enkä niinkään materiaa. Tuntuu vain silloin tällöin blogia kirjoitellessa, että onko miulla enää lukijoille mitään tarjottavaa ja pysyykö tässä enää kukaan perässäkään.
And the same in english:
I am getting myself to know Ebay, being charmed about the low prices and trying to avoid using the "order" button as much as I would like to. Last three years I have been a entrepreneur (one woman business) and learned that the money you spend to buy food for yourself and pay the roof on top of you comes from your clients who buy things or services from you. Internet shopping is something that I have learned to despise over that time. I explain my own orders from internet shops with the fact that I only buy things that I cannot find from my hometown or the cities that I visit regularly.
You should always support local, buy stuff near you and support things that are made in your country. Sometimes you just happen to find the sneakers you have been looking for three years. And after checking the supply here in Rovaniemi, I've probably never would have gotten these shoes from here.
Last year I bought a dress from a local shop. I already knew when making the purchase that I was also paying a bit extra to test the dress before buying it and someone helping me to find the right one and the person gets the profit from their work. And as I supposed, if I had ordered the dress online, I would have saved twenty-or-so euros but I rather paid to the person keeping the store going and helping their customers with the best possible service. Even though most of the stores are now selling only online.
Many small one or two person shops have been closed here in Rovaniemi because they don't have enough customers. And I don't wonder it at all when you have to collect your living from random customers that happen to step in. I myself, would like to bow and thank my customers every single time someone buys something. Because with that money I pay my food and the roof on top of me. On the same time regular jobs are vanishing, people have less money and they buy even fewer items and spend a lot less by ordering from the internet. Is it anything to wonder that the economy is going down the drainer?
The reason why my blog has changed from "I bought this cool stuff" - blog on to a "this is what I did and these kinds of photos I've taken" is mostly because as a one woman business I can't afford to spend my money that I am left with on things that aren't necessary. I need to find clothes that last long and are crucial. Now I think few weeks do I really need something, am I going to wear it and how I need to live that month so that everything is still covered if I happen to buy something. I heard a good opinion about flea markets. People use them now as their remission to get rid of stuff they don't need anymore. You sell something that you have bought in hurry because it was cheap and nice. I rather spend my few extra money on traveling and gigs than on things I don't need to succeed a moment of happiness from buying something.
Phew, what a hippie post but here we are now. I want experiences more than material. Sometimes when blogging I just think if I have anything to offer my readers anymore and is anyone following anymore.
And the same in english:
I am getting myself to know Ebay, being charmed about the low prices and trying to avoid using the "order" button as much as I would like to. Last three years I have been a entrepreneur (one woman business) and learned that the money you spend to buy food for yourself and pay the roof on top of you comes from your clients who buy things or services from you. Internet shopping is something that I have learned to despise over that time. I explain my own orders from internet shops with the fact that I only buy things that I cannot find from my hometown or the cities that I visit regularly.
You should always support local, buy stuff near you and support things that are made in your country. Sometimes you just happen to find the sneakers you have been looking for three years. And after checking the supply here in Rovaniemi, I've probably never would have gotten these shoes from here.
Last year I bought a dress from a local shop. I already knew when making the purchase that I was also paying a bit extra to test the dress before buying it and someone helping me to find the right one and the person gets the profit from their work. And as I supposed, if I had ordered the dress online, I would have saved twenty-or-so euros but I rather paid to the person keeping the store going and helping their customers with the best possible service. Even though most of the stores are now selling only online.
Many small one or two person shops have been closed here in Rovaniemi because they don't have enough customers. And I don't wonder it at all when you have to collect your living from random customers that happen to step in. I myself, would like to bow and thank my customers every single time someone buys something. Because with that money I pay my food and the roof on top of me. On the same time regular jobs are vanishing, people have less money and they buy even fewer items and spend a lot less by ordering from the internet. Is it anything to wonder that the economy is going down the drainer?
The reason why my blog has changed from "I bought this cool stuff" - blog on to a "this is what I did and these kinds of photos I've taken" is mostly because as a one woman business I can't afford to spend my money that I am left with on things that aren't necessary. I need to find clothes that last long and are crucial. Now I think few weeks do I really need something, am I going to wear it and how I need to live that month so that everything is still covered if I happen to buy something. I heard a good opinion about flea markets. People use them now as their remission to get rid of stuff they don't need anymore. You sell something that you have bought in hurry because it was cheap and nice. I rather spend my few extra money on traveling and gigs than on things I don't need to succeed a moment of happiness from buying something.
Phew, what a hippie post but here we are now. I want experiences more than material. Sometimes when blogging I just think if I have anything to offer my readers anymore and is anyone following anymore.
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